Sunday, March 2, 2014

Training Routine Changed to Rest

As a husband and father with a full-time job and trying to stay in a good training routine the last thing you think of is rest (it is for me at least).  There's a story in the bible when Jesus feeds 5,000 people, but before the feeding the scriptures tell us: 

'The apostles returned to Jesus and told him all that they had done and taught.  And he said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while."  For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. And they went away in the boat to a desolate place by themselves...'

Right before my Ironman race last November I had a problem with my SI Joint (basically my hip was coming out of place causing some serious back pain).  I went to see the best physical therapist here in Athens, Ken Wells, and he "popped" me back in to place and gave me some great exercises to start strengthening my core which would hopefully help this problem.  In December my SI joint started acting up again and instead of back pain I had major pain down my right leg, this was my SI Joint causing my sciatic nerve to shoot pain down my leg.  I tried to train through the pain, but it kept getting worse.  I went back to see Ken and he "popped" me back in to place.  It's been a struggling first 2 months of the year with this little injury, but I'm starting to feel great again.  One thing I needed to do was REST.  I took an entire week off from working out (which was actually harder then you think).  I really didn't know what to do with myself those mornings sleeping in til 6am, but in the long run, this was the best thing I could have done to help heal, rejuvenate, and refresh me so I could train even harder the following weeks.  No matter what you're facing in your season of life (or season of training), sometimes all God wants us to do is go away with Him and rest a while.  

It's not easy being an Ironman but the work, dedication and sacrifice is worth it!  Sometimes, you need to realize that the best thing you can do in your training routine is rest.  

I've done a few 5K's this year already with the last 5K placing first place in my age division (Habitat for Humanity - Won a Hammer!).  My next big race is the REV3 Half Ironman in Knoxville, TN this coming May.

Last week's training:
Sunday - 2 Mile Swim
Monday - Lift weights; 2 Hour Bike
Tuesday - 1.5 Hours Run
Wednesday - 2 Hour Bike; 30 Min Swim
Thursday - 1.5 Hours Run
Friday - 4 Hour Bike
Saturday - Rest

I always take Recoverite (Hammer Nutrition) after every workout!  My everyday vitamins I take Hammer Nutrition Premium Insurance Caps.  Click on the link to get 15% off your first order with Hammer.