Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Finish Strong

I've put in many miles and many hours of training this year for this one race.  It would make no sense for me to just drop out now and not attempt to run the race (and finish the race) in November.  It's the same in any sport, why would you lead most of the laps in the beginning and then just simple drop out?  2 weeks ago I had an 18 mile run and after the run my back hurt more than normal.  Throughout my training there's always been a little pain, so I'm used to it, but this was different.  I knew something wasn't right.  After hurting for a week my coach suggested I see a physical therapist.  First, I rarely go to the doctor...let's just say, the last time I went to a doctor was when I had to get a physical before I got married (it was required and I really wanted to marry Andrea)....that was 11 years ago.  When I have to fill out paperwork for an employer and it asks 'who's your family doctor', I really should just put Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil.  Anyway, after finding out that a good friend of mine at church was a physical therapist I decided to give him a call and see what was going on.  Come to find out my SI joint was out of whack (from the intense training) which was causing my back pain.  So after a few treatments and exercise/therapy I'm feeling much better.  

How many times in life do you hit what seems to be 'road blocks' or 'road construction' that seems to really slow you down?  Any hardships?  Paul talks about this in the Bible - 2 Timothy 4:5, "But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."  I love the last part with the word, 'fulfill'.  You must finish strong!  Starting strong is important, but finishing strong is even more important!

I read these 4 things today in a devotion:
"1. Keep your eye on what you are doing
2. Accept the hard times along with the good
3. Keep the message alive
4. Do a thorough job as God's servant"

I have 4 weeks to a race that at one point in my life seemed impossible (who knows it still might seem impossible half way through).  This will be my first Ironman and I hope not my last.  I love the triathlon sport and I love my new healthy lifestyle.  I've never felt any better.  

I keep telling myself it's only 140.6 miles in one day.  This year alone I've swam 211,000 yards, ran 660 miles, and biked 3,200 miles.  To put that bike mileage into perspective...It would be like me getting on my bike here in Athens pedaling to San Francisco, turning north and going another 7-800 miles to Seattle, Washington.  So, 140.6 miles doesn't sound too far now.  I'm sure I'll have a different story on Monday following the race.

Whatever hill you're climbing or valley you may be going through, remember (as a friend of mine says) "God's hand is a lot bigger than your circumstance".

Endure...Finish strong!

1 Month, 1 Day until Ironman Arizona 140.6