Saturday, September 14, 2013

One Year

It's now been one year since my first triathlon.  I remember thinking how hard the swim was (200 yards) and now I normally warm up in the pool 300-500 yards.  I've been training real hard for a year now as I prepare for my first Full Ironman coming up in November this year.  I've lost a little over 50 pounds and I've never felt any better.

Last week I had one of my fastest swims, 2 miles in 55 minutes.  It's amazing what consistent training and healthy eating will do!  Yesterday I had a Beast Brick workout (115 miles on the bike with a 15 minute run to follow).  This was my longest ride before the Ironman.  I have one more 100 mile ride in a couple weeks before my Ironman race.

Commitment, Determination, Consistency, Endurance...set your mind to something, keep working on it, and you will accomplish it.  I would have never dreamed I could have accomplished what I have already accomplished this past year.  I would have never known I could do it if I never got into the pool a year ago to swim that very hard 1 and 1/2 laps...

Last 2 weeks training:

Sept. 1
Sunday - 2 mile swim (55 minutes - PG)
Monday - 80 min indoor bike / 1800 yards swim
Tuesday - 2 hour run
Wednesday - 80 min indoor bike / 45 min easy swim
Thursday - 1 hour run fartleks / workout - weights
Friday - Race Simulation: 30 min swim, 4 hour ride, 1 hour run
Saturday - Rest

Sept. 8
Sunday - 1 hour run / 3600 yards swim
Monday - 80 min indoor bike / workout - weights
Tuesday - 2.5 hour run
Wednesday - 80 min indoor bike / 45 min easy swim
Thursday - 1 hour run fartleks / 1 hour swim
Friday - The Beast Brick: 115 Mile Bike / 15 min run
Saturday - Rest

2 months, 2 days til Ironman Arizona 140.6

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